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Thousands of chickens crowded together in an industrial shed Blog

Is eating chicken really better for the environment than eating beef?

Eating chicken is thought to have less of an impact on the planet than eating beef. But the truth is chicken can also wreak havoc on the climate. Producing soya to feed the billions of chickens eaten every year around the world has led to forest clearance on an epic scale, accelerating climate change and pushing wildlife into extinction.


5 brilliant books for young environmental activists

Young people have been making history by taking part in school strikes to demand action on the crises affecting the environment. Here’s a list of five books that would make great gifts for the budding climate activists in your lives.

A row of smartly dressed people stand on the terrace of the UK's parliament building Blog

Top tips for lobbying your MP

With the general election rapidly approaching, Greenpeace UK's Political Lobbying Network volunteers are looking forward to working with the new intake of MPs. For International Volunteering Day, member Fi Radford shares her top tips for lobbying your newly-elected representative in parliament.

A model in a fashionably long grey coat lies on a rock in the middle of a polluted river Blog

9 reasons to quit fast fashion

Sales now happen year-round, and they are a fast fashion bonanza. But fast fashion is a shocking contributor to climate change and water pollution – here are nine reasons to quit.


5 great deals for the planet on Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest sales events of the year. But we are in a climate emergency and it’s not great shopping deals we need – but strong political deals that stop climate change, curb pollution and protect invaluable ecosystems.


How 2019 party manifestos measured up on climate change and nature

The next government will be in power during a crucial time when the climate and nature emergencies need to be tackled head-on. Greenpeace policy experts have ranked the party manifestos on climate change and nature commitments to reveal how serious they are ahead of the first-ever TV debate focused on climate.