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What does Brexit mean for farming, fishing and climate change?

The UK is leaving the EU. But what does this mean for environmental laws and standards? How are fishing, farming and climate change going to be handled from now on? There’s not much detail yet, but here are a few areas to watch as the government passes new laws and paves the way for future trade deals.


3 reasons why it’s right to call BP a climate change criminal

The term “climate criminal” shouldn’t be used lightly. However, oil companies continue with business-as-usual, even though people all around the world are suffering from the impacts of climate change. Here are three reasons why oil giant BP most definitely is a climate criminal.


2020: starting a decade of change to protect the climate and nature

In the last 12 months, climate change and the destruction of nature have become impossible to ignore. Millions of people took to the streets as wildfires raged and heatwaves threatened lives – hitting many of the communities least responsible hardest. 2020 will kickstart a decade of change so forests, oceans and the climate can be restored and renewed.

A Greenpeace inflatable boat splashes over a wave. On board, activists hold up climate emergency banners. A giant oil platform can be seen in the background. Blog

2019 in pictures: year of the climate emergency – and the fightback

Throughout 2019, activists and volunteers have continued to demand action on pollution and the climate emergency from corporations and politicians worldwide. This global fight is far from over, but here we celebrate our 2019 successes as we look forward to 2020 and the decade of change ahead.