
Scientific research, reports, investor briefings, resources for schools and annual impact reports


Reform manifesto: a contract with the polluters

Reform’s ‘contract with the people’ proposes to rip up nature protection, roll back on climate action, and bring in cruel and inhumane migration policies. This briefing highlights an agenda that would be disastrous for people and the planet. 


10 Conservative government climate and nature blunders

Some ambitious commitments have been made by Conservative leaders during the party’s time in power. However, a mixture of poor leadership, divisive and cynical climate politics, and corporate capture by polluting industries has led to these promises largely not being delivered. This briefing outlines 10 major green policy blunders that have resulted from the Conservative government’s failed approach.

Train approaching the camera with motion-blurred background Briefing

Briefing: Transforming public transport in a green recovery

To build a resilient future, connect left-behind communities and create thousands of jobs, the government should provide at least £10bn a year additional public investment in low carbon transport infrastructure across the UK and reallocate the funds earmarked for new road building under the £27bn road investment strategy in England.