
A map showing part of the North Sea, with Dogger Bank highlighted. An overlay shows the movements of a fishing vessel, and highlights where it switched off its AIS tracking system.

AIS dark bottom trawling in the Dogger Bank

This report documents Greenpeace's investigation of destructive fishing practices within an area which is supposed to be legally protected. Greenpeace investigators also discovered widespread illegal fishing activity in the protected area.

Bright blue seas: the need to properly protect our offshore Marine Protected Areas

New Greenpeace analysis has found that only five of the UK’s 73 offshore protected areas ‘may be’ progressing towards conservation targets. Just two offshore protected areas have long-term site condition monitoring available - a damning reflection on the government’s failure to properly protect the UK’s waters.

Why Greenpeace supports local fishing

Millions of people across the world rely on fishing for their food and livelihood, but – like other food systems – it can work better for both people and the planet. Here’s why environmentalists should support sustainable, small-scale fishers in the UK.