
Are fast food companies really going vegan?

Plant-based food has hit the mainstream, with major fast food companies like Burger King and KFC releasing vegan versions of their beef or chicken classics. But is this the end of beefburgers and buckets of chicken? Or is it just hype?

What does Brexit mean for farming, fishing and climate change?

The UK is leaving the EU. But what does this mean for environmental laws and standards? How are fishing, farming and climate change going to be handled from now on? There’s not much detail yet, but here are a few areas to watch as the government passes new laws and paves the way for future trade deals.

Supermarkets pushing chicken sales despite links to climate change

People often opt for chicken over beef for environmental reasons. But new Greenpeace research shows that the chicken sold in the UK is a major driver of deforestation, and supermarkets have little idea of the impact this has on forests. Here are the facts.

Overhead photo of a sharing platter with spiced fried potates, spinach, guacamole and salsa.

10 tips to eat more plant-based food (or even go vegan)

One of the most useful things everyone can do to take action on climate change *right now* is to eat less meat and dairy. But eating vegan, for a meal or a month, is much easier with some solid know-how. Here are 10 tips to increase the amount of plant-based foods in your diet.

Thousands of chickens crowded together in an industrial shed

Is eating chicken really better for the environment than eating beef?

Eating chicken is thought to have less of an impact on the planet than eating beef. But the truth is chicken can also wreak havoc on the climate. Producing soya to feed the billions of chickens eaten every year around the world has led to forest clearance on an epic scale, accelerating climate change and pushing wildlife into extinction.

Three men armed with rifles walk through a field alongside a fence.

‘They’ve got guns!’: how the soya industry is linked to violence and intimidation

In May 2019, men with guns terrorised a village on the edge of a vast soya farming estate in Brazil, where huge traders Cargill and Bunge are well established. Yet another example of the human rights abuses that are so often linked to industrial agriculture, it was witnessed by Greenpeace researchers and journalists. This first hand account reveals how the ever increasing demand for meat and dairy is leading to violence against communities.