
Screenshot from the TV show Succession. Main characters Tom and Greg stand face-to-face in a plush corporate lounge. The subtitle reads "You're going to sue Greenpeace?"

So, you want to sue Greenpeace…

Inspired by Succession? Whether or not there's a cousin Greg in your life, here's how you can follow in Uncle Ewan's footsteps and remember Greenpeace in your Will - or just chip in a few pounds today.

In bright sunshine, a smiling crowd of people hold up signs calling for a greener world. One protestor in the front row raises his fist in the air triumphantly.

Together we are Greenpeace

Watch the video to see how Greenpeace will tackle the climate and nature crisis thanks to supporters like you.

Greenpeace UK’s merchandise FAQs

A new report by Greenpeace Germany shows how Greenpeace’s Detox My Fashion campaign has been a game-changer, with leading fashion brands eliminating the use and discharge of hazardous chemicals from their supply chain factories. Greenpeace UK is now using suppliers which work to Greenpeace’s own Standard – meaning Greenpeace UK can sell clothing made to the highest environmental and social standards.