
Reform manifesto: a contract with the polluters

Reform’s ‘contract with the people’ proposes to rip up nature protection, roll back on climate action, and bring in cruel and inhumane migration policies. This briefing highlights an agenda that would be disastrous for people and the planet. 

Activists hang a banner reading 'Stop drilling start paying' from the flaring rig of an oil platform, high above a port city.

Thank you for helping Greenpeace fight Shell

Since Shell announced they were suing Greenpeace for a peaceful climate protest, tens of thousands of you have supported us. Knowing we have you with us gives us strength and inspiration to keep fighting. Thank you.

10 Conservative government climate and nature blunders

Some ambitious commitments have been made by Conservative leaders during the party’s time in power. However, a mixture of poor leadership, divisive and cynical climate politics, and corporate capture by polluting industries has led to these promises largely not being delivered. This briefing outlines 10 major green policy blunders that have resulted from the Conservative government’s failed approach.

Why the UK must stop selling weapons to Israel

There’s a real risk that British-made weapons are being used to commit war crimes in Gaza. The government should enforce its own laws and stop weapons exports to Israel.