
Offshore wind turbines

Filling the energy gap

Building a secure renewable energy system to meet UK climate targets after the collapse of Wylfa and Moorside nuclear power plants

IEA fact check

The International Energy Agency's climate scenarios are not aligned with the Paris Goals

Aerial view of penguins walking across a fractured landscape of crumbling sea ice.

What does climate change mean for the Antarctic?

Antarctic glaciers are melting faster than they're formed. Less ice and warmer seas impacts wildlife like penguins, whales and krill. But we can choose to protect the oceans and help slow climate change in the polar regions and beyond.

Impact Report 2017

Our annual impact report summarises the work we've done to help protect the natural systems that ensure the long-term health of our planet. This means defending our climate, oceans, forests, soils, atmosphere, and diverse plant and animal life

Coal power station air pollution

IEA off track

How the IEA guides energy decisions towards fossil fuel dependence and climate change