
Closeup of two volunteers' hands holding smartphones and a clipboard with paper forms and colourful flyers.

How to use the Climate Vote app

A guide to using the Climate Vote app to gather and record information while door-knocking as part of Project Climate Vote.

A volunteer reaches up to knock on a front door in a residential street.

How to recruit climate voters on the doorstep

A guide to successful door-knocking for volunteers on Project Climate Vote. Learn how to have effective conversations on the door, and stay safe while you're doing it.

The King’s Speech: a climate battleground

The King's Speech is an opportunity for the government to get the UK on track to delivering its climate and nature targets, while embedding democracy and fairness. Here's Greenpeace UK's take on what should – and shouldn't – be included.

'Stop Deep Sea Mining' is projected on the White Cliffs of Dover at night, with creatures from the deep sea displayed around the words.

How people power is stopping deep sea mining before it starts

Thanks to campaigners, activists and supporters like you worldwide, the deep sea mining industry didn’t get the green light it was expecting at talks in July. Now we need to make sure these destructive companies never get the chance to plunder our fragile ocean floor.