Walk 100K in June: frequently asked questions

The Walk 100K in June challenge for Greenpeace starts on 1st June and finishes on 30th June 2022. Are you ready to take part? Here we've provided some answers to common questions so you have everything you need to get involved.


What is ‘Walk 100K in June’? How does it work?

The challenge is to walk a total of 100km during the month of June 2022, with the aim of raising money for Greenpeace. You can ask friends and family to sponsor you for taking part, using a Facebook fundraiser.

This is a personal challenge, which you do in your own time. You can do your walks wherever and whenever suits you.

You can also link in with a whole community of people who are taking part in the challenge, by joining our Facebook group!

When is it happening?

The Walk 100K in June challenge runs from 1st June to 30th June 2022.

How do I sign up?

To make sure you’re ready, please complete these three simple steps:

  1. Register for your free t-shirt.
  2. Create your own Walk 100K in June Facebook fundraiser.
  3. Join our Walk 100K in June Facebook group to log your progress and join a community of people taking part.


What is a Facebook fundraiser?

It’s a page you can create in under a minute within Facebook and raise money for Greenpeace. Your friends will see that you have created it and will see every time you post a picture or update the fundraiser.

You set your own target and end date. The money goes directly to Greenpeace.

Create your Facebook fundraiser here.

I can’t find my Facebook fundraiser, can you tell me where it is?

No problem! If you go to your own Facebook profile page and scroll down, you’ll find it there. Or you can go to “Your active fundraisers” on Facebook.

How do I change the target and/or the end date on my Facebook fundraiser?

We recommend setting up your fundraiser using this link. The details will already be filled in for you.

If you do want to make changes, go to your Facebook fundraiser. Click on the ‘More’ option, select ‘edit fundraiser’, change the amount and/or the end date and save the changes. Make sure to set the end date to early July 2022 (we recommend setting it to the 10th July).

If you don’t extend the date, the default setting by Facebook will be seven days, so your fundraiser will end after being live for a week.

You can also set yourself a higher challenge than 100km depending on your own fitness levels or progress made over the month.

The money raised on Facebook is sent directly to Greenpeace.

How can I encourage donations on my online fundraiser?

  1. Post some of these milestone graphics on Facebook, so your friends and family can track your progress: I’m taking part, 25km, 50km, 75km, 100km.
  2. Make sure to extend the end date on your Facebook fundraiser to at least 10th July 2022, as the default end date will be seven days after you created it.
  3. From 1st June, make sure to post your progress on your Facebook fundraiser. This can be as frequently as you like, whatever works for you.
  4. Ask others in the Facebook group how they are raising funds.
  5. Add your Facebook fundraiser link to your work email signature.

If I raise money offline, how do I get that money to Greenpeace?

Once you have collected your sponsorship money you can:

  1. Donate via our website.
  2. Post a cheque – made payable to Greenpeace Ltd – to Supporter Services, Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN.
  3. You can also donate the sponsorship money via your own Facebook fundraiser.

Can a refund be issued if the wrong amount was donated, or a donation was made in error?

Unfortunately, we can’t issue refunds through Facebook, but people can request a refund from Facebook themselves by following these steps:

  • Go to Facebook’s donations support page.
  • Select – I donated to a fundraiser on Facebook.
  • Select – I want a refund for my donation(s).
  • Select – I made a donation by accident.
  • Find the donation in the dropdown and request the refund.

My friend’s donation isn’t showing up on my Facebook fundraiser?

Most donations appear instantly, but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours if the sponsor donated via PayPal, or if they have slow broadband. Please let us know if it still isn’t showing in 48 hours and we’ll look into it for you.

What about my friends who aren’t on Facebook? Can they donate?

Unfortunately not – Facebook makes it really easy for people to donate, but you have to be a Facebook user. If they want to give you the money directly, you can donate to your Facebook fundraiser on their behalf though!

Why has my fundraiser closed? Can you reactivate it?

The default end date for Facebook fundraisers is seven days. So if you didn’t extend the end date when setting it up, it will close automatically. Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to extend Facebook fundraisers. The best thing you can do is to set up a new bespoke fundraiser for the Walk 100K in June challenge.

How much of my donation goes to Greenpeace? Does Facebook take a fee?

The good news is that Greenpeace receives 100% of all donations. Facebook does not charge us any processing fees.

Taking part

Why have some people started the challenge already?

Some people are training for the challenge now and sharing their walks with the group, but most people are starting the challenge on 1st June!

Can I start the challenge in May?

The idea is that everyone completes the challenge together in June 2022. But we do recommend getting a few walks done in May to get your fitness up for the June challenge.

However, if your personal circumstances mean that you have started earlier, that is absolutely fine too.

Is there an age limit on who can take part in the challenge?

Anyone can take part in the walks, but we recommend that under-18s are accompanied by an adult. You do need to be over 18 to join the Facebook group and to set up a fundraiser though.

How should we track our walks?

You could download this print-at-home tracker, stick it to your fridge and fill it in after each walk (please remember to recycle it once you’re done!). Or, there are some excellent free apps available, like Strava, which will track your route and distance as you walk. The benefit of these apps is that they are paper-free!

Can I do a shorter/longer/earlier/later challenge?

Yes! Every walk you do will help Greenpeace fight climate change, and protect vital habitats like oceans and forests. So do this challenge in whatever way works best for you. Every walk is very much appreciated!

Do I have to post the number of kilometres I have done?

We recommend that you do this, yes. Post your progress on your personal Facebook fundraiser page. And then for extra motivation, post it to the Walk 100K in June Facebook group so everybody else can be inspired by your progress.

My friend also wants to complete the challenge – how do they do this?

If someone else you know would like to take part in Walk 100K in June, they will need to follow the same registration steps outlined in the ‘How do I sign up?’ section above.

I am not able to walk 100km – can I still take part?

Yes! Everyone is invited to take part in this challenge, in whatever way works best for you – whether that’s taking on a shorter distance, starting early or finishing after 30th June. Every contribution helps Greenpeace fight climate change, and protect vital habitats like oceans and forests. Please feel free to take on this challenge in whatever way fits best with your personal circumstances.

T-shirts and welcome packs

What sizes of t-shirts are available?

We have small, medium, large and extra-large t-shirts available.

Are t-shirts free?

Yes, we are giving out one free t-shirt per participant, who is signed up on Facebook, for this challenge.

When will my t-shirt arrive?

Your t-shirt should arrive within 12 days of you signing up, if not before. T-shirts will be posted in three batches – on 11th May, 18th May and 25th May. It will take two to three working days for your t-shirt to arrive once it has been posted.

I still haven’t got my t-shirt, where is it?

T-shirts will be posted in three batches – on 11th May, 18th May and 25th May and will take two to three working days to arrive once posted. If you think you’ve been waiting a lot longer, please email your name, address and t-shirt size to info.uk@greenpeace.org and we’ll check this. Or, if you’re not 100% sure you have given us your full address, fill in our t-shirt registration form.

Can I get another t-shirt for my friend/family member?

Unfortunately, we can only provide one t-shirt per participant who signs up through Facebook. However, you can buy additional t-shirts at our online store.

What will be in my welcome pack?

You will receive a welcome letter and a free Greenpeace t-shirt.

Can I order my t-shirt to a location outside of the UK?

Unfortunately, we can only mail t-shirts to UK addresses.


How does my sponsorship money help Greenpeace’s work?

Our campaigns cost money, but in order to stay independent, we won’t accept donations from governments or companies.

People power is what puts pressure on decision-makers to do the right thing for the natural world. Without support from people like you, our work wouldn’t be possible.

Your donation will help Greenpeace to fight the climate crisis, protect forests and oceans, and stop plastic waste from destroying homes and habitats. Your donation will help protect our planet for future generations. Thank you!