
A Greenpeace inflatable boat splashes over a wave. On board, activists hold up climate emergency banners. A giant oil platform can be seen in the background.

2019 in pictures: year of the climate emergency – and the fightback

Throughout 2019, activists and volunteers have continued to demand action on pollution and the climate emergency from corporations and politicians worldwide. This global fight is far from over, but here we celebrate our 2019 successes as we look forward to 2020 and the decade of change ahead.

Thousands of chickens crowded together in an industrial shed

Is eating chicken really better for the environment than eating beef?

Eating chicken is thought to have less of an impact on the planet than eating beef. But the truth is chicken can also wreak havoc on the climate. Producing soya to feed the billions of chickens eaten every year around the world has led to forest clearance on an epic scale, accelerating climate change and pushing wildlife into extinction.

5 brilliant books for young environmental activists

Young people have been making history by taking part in school strikes to demand action on the crises affecting the environment. Here’s a list of five books that would make great gifts for the budding climate activists in your lives.

9 ways to reduce your plastic use at Christmas

The festive season is an excuse to kick back and enjoy ourselves, but it can also result in mountains of wasted plastic. These top tips will show you how to reduce plastic at Christmas and other festivals throughout the year.

Where do the political parties stand on ending plastic pollution?

The climate emergency is also a plastic pollution emergency. The plastic footprint of UK supermarkets is bigger than ever. Ahead of the general election, here’s a deep-dive into plastic policies the political parties have presented in their manifestos.

Supermarkets putting more plastic on their shelves than ever

Public concern about plastic pollution is at a high, and promises to tackle the problem are pouring out of supermarket PR machines. But new research shows that the plastic footprint of the top 10 UK supermarkets has actually increased over the past year. Here’s the breakdown.