
Closeup of a burger

How much meat should I be eating?

Industrial meat is the world’s leading cause of deforestation. We need to end the system that’s churning out meat at an unsustainable rate – and in turn eat a lot less meat. Lots of people have already started. But if reduction is the key, how much meat is it ok to eat?

Train approaching the camera with motion-blurred background

Briefing: Transforming public transport in a green recovery

To build a resilient future, connect left-behind communities and create thousands of jobs, the government should provide at least £10bn a year additional public investment in low carbon transport infrastructure across the UK and reallocate the funds earmarked for new road building under the £27bn road investment strategy in England.

What if we funded transport like it really matters?

Everyone benefits from better transport, and putting some extra funding into the system could make a real difference. Here’s how things would change if we invested £10 billion more every year into fair, sustainable and affordable transport.