
44 results found

Screenshot from the TV show Succession. Main characters Tom and Greg stand face-to-face in a plush corporate lounge. The subtitle reads "You're going to sue Greenpeace?"

So, you want to sue Greenpeace…

Inspired by Succession? Whether or not there's a cousin Greg in your life, here's how you can follow in Uncle Ewan's footsteps and remember Greenpeace in your Will - or just chip in a few pounds today.

Affordable energy calculator Q&A

What is the Affordable Energy Calculator tool? A tool that allows users to to input data about their home, and estimate: What their energy bills would be in 2030 with improved energy efficiency such as insulation and the installation of a heat pump What their energy bills would be…

Stop deep sea mining projection on sea cliffs at night

Indigenous Pacific Leaders call on countries to ban Deep Sea Mining

Kingston, Jamaica (July 24, 2023)- Video projections featuring civil society leaders from the Pacific region calling for a halt to deep sea mining were seen throughout the weekend in Mexico City, Mexico, Toronto, Canada, Dover, UK, and Kingston, Jamaica. Greenpeace International created these videos while working…

5 brilliant books for young environmental activists

Young people have been making history by taking part in school strikes to demand action on the crises affecting the environment. Here’s a list of five books that would make great gifts for the budding climate activists in your lives.

Greenpeace ship amidst ice floes in the Arctic

About Greenpeace

Greenpeace is a movement of people who are passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. Our vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come.  We are independent. We don’t accept any funding from governments, corporations…

2024 manifesto ranking criteria in full

Experts from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth analysed and rated all the main parties' manifestos and green policy announcements ahead of the 2024 general election. Here you'll find the full list of criteria they used to assign the scores.

A row of smartly dressed people stand on the terrace of the UK's parliament building

Top tips for lobbying your MP

With the general election rapidly approaching, Greenpeace UK's Political Lobbying Network volunteers are looking forward to working with the new intake of MPs. For International Volunteering Day, member Fi Radford shares her top tips for lobbying your newly-elected representative in parliament.