How to use the Climate Vote app

A guide to using the Climate Vote app to gather and record information while door-knocking as part of Project Climate Vote.


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Getting started

1. Download the Climate Vote app

2. Create your account

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing name entryScreenshot from the climate vote app showing email entryScreenshot from the climate vote app showing password entry

Enter your full name, email, and create a password. Don’t forget to tick the box agreeing to the terms of service, which is a requirement for creating an account.

3. Verify your email

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing email verification interface

Check your inbox for a 4-digit code to verify your account.

4. Enter your address

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing user address entry

Enter your address to receive actions near you.

5. Enter your invitation code

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing invite code field

Your organiser or action team leader will give you an invitation code, or you can find your region’s invitation code here. Enter it in when prompted to activate your account.

6. Join your team

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing team selection screen

Select the name of your canvass organiser to join their team.

Recording door-knocking data

Your canvass organiser or trainer will run through this with you the first time you go out door knocking.

Adding Climate Voters outside of door knocking or street stall events 

You may wish to add Climate Voters to the app outside of door knocking or street stall events. This could include family members, colleagues or anyone else you manage to inspire about the campaign outside of the outreach events. 

1. Select add a contact

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing new contact interface

On the HQ tab, select ‘Add a contact [Not for door knocking/street stalls]’

2. Answer the form’s questions

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing example form questionsScreenshot from the climate vote app showing sample form questions

Continue through the form’s questions, filling in the responses of your contact.

3. Add contact details

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing contact entry

Fill in the new Climate Voter’s contact details, including First Name, Last Name, Email and Mobile Phone. Then select ‘Finish’ at the bottom of the page.

Changing teams

If you need to switch into a new canvassing team, you’ll need to visit the profile tab in the app. Follow the steps below to switch teams!

1. Add a new team

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing new team interface

Navigate to your profile tab and click on the button to switch teams, located in the ‘my teams’ section of your profile page. The button to switch teams looks like this.

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing team switching function

2. Confirm your new canvassing team

Screenshot from the climate vote app showing team confirmation screen

Your canvassing team will be named after your canvass organiser – select the right team then press confirm.

Need help?

Speak to your canvass organiser or local group leader, or email