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A green and beige banner with little drawings of food and drinks across it, with two young boys wearing T-shirts reading "Your Design here".

Kids’ t-shirt design competition

Do you want to see your design on a Greenpeace t-shirt? If you're 0–17 years old, you can submit your artwork on the theme of plastic pollution by 17 March 2024

5 great deals for the planet on Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest sales events of the year. But we are in a climate emergency and it’s not great shopping deals we need – but strong political deals that stop climate change, curb pollution and protect invaluable ecosystems.

Close up of microbeads on a fingertip

We did it! Microbeads ban comes into effect

After two years of campaigning and 350,000 of you signing our petition, the government banned on microbeads in rinse-off cosmetics and toiletries. It's a great start and paves the way for reducing other types of plastic pollution.

Gas platforms at sunset

What causes climate change?

Burning fossil fuels for energy, transport and industry releases greenhouse gases, which cause global warming. Things like farming, cutting down forests and overfishing are making it worse. There is no doubt that human activities are causing climate change, which means we are also able to stop it.

Fire response boats hosing water onto the burning deepwater horizon oil rig

Oil – what you need to know

Our world runs on oil. But burning oil is causing climate change and threatening our future. Oil drilling is hugely damaging to the environment and people’s health, and oil companies are still taking huge risks to drill for oil.

Reform manifesto: a contract with the polluters

Reform’s ‘contract with the people’ proposes to rip up nature protection, roll back on climate action, and bring in cruel and inhumane migration policies. This briefing highlights an agenda that would be disastrous for people and the planet. 

Aerial shot of forest fire

Biodiversity loss: a beginner’s guide

The web of life is unravelling as biodiversity continues to decline. This has serious consequences for our societies. As we continue to put pressure on different ecosystems, it's essential to understand biodiversity loss, and what can we do to reverse it.