
617 results found

Three children in traditional Indigenous feathered headdresses walk hand in hand through a burned forest landscape. The middle child looks back towards the camera with a serious expression

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples often have a close connection with their environment – and essential knowledge of how to prevent biodiversity loss and the worst effects of climate change. Despite this, Indigenous Peoples face violence and discrimination worldwide.

WATCH: Tesco’s Burning Secret

Tesco’s complicity in deforestation and deliberately-set fires in the Amazon and across Brazil is the subject of Greenpeace UK’s new film, Tesco’s Burning Secret, released today. Watch here Despite Tesco claiming to have met its deforestation targets, its meat is not deforestation-free. It buys British…

Humpback whale mother and baby swimming together in the water

Keep hope alive with a gift in your Will

Our world needs hope. Join a movement of people making positive change for the future of our natural world, by remembering Greenpeace with a gift in your Will today.

Overhead view of Greenpeace staff sitting at a picnic table in a lush garden, with plates of healthy food

Diversity, inclusion and anti-racism

Greenpeace is an equal opportunities employer. We believe that a diverse culture brings richness to an organisation and inclusion is required to unleash the potential of diversity. Our diversity and inclusion lead, diversity and inclusion group and numerous staff-led groups all help drive this agenda.

The “hidden” Amazon deforestation in UK supermarket supply chains

Soya in the meat and dairy supply chains of UK supermarkets could be contributing to illegal deforestation in the Amazon, an investigation by Unearthed, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Ecostorm has revealed.  The findings undermine claims by some global meatpackers,…