
617 results found

Activists on Boat alongside BP Oil Rig in the North Sea

The court case that could spoil BP’s North Sea oil drilling plans

It’s clear that any new oil and gas drilling will hurt our chances of tackling climate change. But in 2018, the government granted BP a permit for a new oil well in the North Sea. After a legal challenge from Greenpeace, the government has admitted it granted the permit unlawfully.

Detail from an oil platform, showing tangled pipework and painted metal panels

What does the government’s new windfall tax mean for the climate?

Yesterday the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced a package of measures to help with the cost of living crisis. The hotly-anticipated and much needed package ended up being yet another short-sighted sticking plaster for fuel poverty, and a catastrophe for the climate. The measures will only provide temporary relief on energy…

The 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel cars, explained

The UK government announced it will ban sales of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 — a full decade earlier than planned. It’s a major win for the climate, and a chance to reimagine our traffic-jammed streets.

exhaust of a car with fumes coming out

Air pollution

Air pollution is choking our cities and causing a global health crisis. Most pollution on our roads comes from burning fossil fuels and in the UK the main culprit is diesel used in cars and vans. Transforming transport will not only provide us with cleaner air, it will slash carbon emissions which cause climate change.