
617 results found

Plane in the sky

Air travel

Air travel has opened up our world, linking distant people and places like never before. This global networking has come at a cost because flying is one of the most polluting ways to travel. Expanding airports like Heathrow when we’re trying to limit the effects of climate change doesn’t make sense. Instead, we need to make train travel cheaper and more efficient, and contain demand by making those who fly frequently pay more.

Greenpeace activists on a small boat hold up a stop deep sea mining banner in front of a giant industrial ship

UK, Norway, Mexico fail to advance deep sea mining as opposition mounts

Kingston, Jamaica, 24 July 2023 –  Talks about deep sea mining and the impacts this destructive industry would have on the ocean resume today at the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Assembly. Governments negotiated for most of Friday behind closed doors. Despite growing calls for a moratorium based on…

Activists hang a banner reading 'Stop drilling start paying' from the flaring rig of an oil platform, high above a port city.

Thank you for helping Greenpeace fight Shell

Since Shell announced they were suing Greenpeace for a peaceful climate protest, tens of thousands of you have supported us. Knowing we have you with us gives us strength and inspiration to keep fighting. Thank you.

Four in five offshore oil and gas workers consider quitting the industry

Major survey of offshore oil and gas workers reveals that four in five would consider moving to work in another industry. Workers’ biggest concern for their future career path is job security, with respondents citing low morale and fears that their community will become a ‘wasteland region’.  Platform, Friends of…