
617 results found

Airline bailouts will not fly

Over 167,000 people have called on the Chancellor to attach environmental conditions to bailouts for airlines. A small group of Greenpeace activists delivered the message directly.

What does Brexit mean for farming, fishing and climate change?

The UK is leaving the EU. But what does this mean for environmental laws and standards? How are fishing, farming and climate change going to be handled from now on? There’s not much detail yet, but here are a few areas to watch as the government passes new laws and paves the way for future trade deals.

Aerial view of Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior, on the water at sunset. Between the sails is a large banner reading "Stop Failing Us". Hills can be seen in the background.

2022: nothing changes without you

The victories and power of this movement show us that together we can be unstoppable. And now, more than ever, we all need to bring all our energy, courage and creativity to this fight.

Trees are silhouetted against a sheet of flames as a forest fire rages in the Amazon

Defra’s proposed new law to curb deforestation is seriously flawed

Commenting on Defra’s proposals for new legislation to curb deforestation and clean up the UK’s food supply chains, Elena Polisano, forests campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said:  “Defra’s proposals to make it ‘illegal for larger businesses to use products unless they comply with local laws to protect natural areas’…

Sewage flows into a river from two concrete pipes

How sewage got into UK rivers and seas, and how to fix it

Step onto a British beach and you might notice a warning sign saying there's sewage in the water. After years of deregulation and budget cuts for environmental agencies, our waters are at crisis point. But sewage is just one part of a much bigger problem.

Aerial view of a lush rainforest canopy. One large tree has fallen, leaving a horizontal tree-shaped hole in the canopy.

Amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest helps regulate the climate and is home to millions of people and a huge percentage of the world’s remaining biodiversity. Despite its importance, the Amazon is under serious threat from deforestation, mainly to make space for industrial agriculture.