
617 results found

How supermarkets can halve plastic packaging

Supermarkets are under pressure to reduce plastic, but last year they produced more of it than ever. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Greenpeace has released a plan showing how supermarkets can half their plastic packaging by 2025. Here’s what they need to do.

Semi-submerged view of plastic rubbish floating on the surface of a shallow ocean with beautiful corals on the bottom.

How does plastic end up in the ocean?

Plastic pollution in the ocean is a growing problem, but where does it come from? Here are the plastic pollution facts you need to understand what’s happening.

Still from animated film showing Boris Johnson being swept away by a wave of plastic waste

Six reasons why Boris Johnson is right about recycling

Breaking news – the Prime Minister is telling the truth! Can it be?! Boris Johnson was all over the news last week after telling a room full of kids that recycling isn’t working. Some have said that he’s “losing the plot”… But believe it or not, we agree with…

Plastic and coronavirus: here’s what you need to know

While the world is rightly preoccupied with tackling coronavirus, our oceans and wildlife are *still* choking on plastic – and oil companies are pushing to produce more of the stuff than ever before. So what do we need to know about plastic in the age of Covid-19?

Plastic bottle floating in the North Sea

Will the government keep its promise to reduce plastic waste?

The government made great promises that reducing plastic at source would be central to new environmental regulations it was planning. But the proposals, published earlier this week, fell far short of much-needed targets to reduce single-use plastics.