
617 results found


UK has worst heat pump sales record in Europe

The UK is lagging behind its European neighbours when it comes to switching to clean sources of home heating, as new data puts the UK last on heat pump sales and second last on installations per household

Protect the Oceans

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery: working together to tackle climate change by protecting our oceans

How thriving oceans can help in the fight against climate change

It’s rare for a day to pass without yet another apocalyptic warning about the future of the Earth. Today was no exception with headlines stating that our oceans are in crisis. These headlines are alarming, but thankfully we have a unique opportunity to help the oceans recover and thrive.

A small red submarine emerges from dark water, clear domes on top reveal two people inside

Discovering the hidden secrets beneath the Antarctic ocean

It almost didn't happen, but our recent expedition to survey the Antarctic ocean floor revealed untold wonders. We discovered that the seabed is carpeted with incredible life, reinforcing the need to protect this remote stretch of ocean as soon as possible.