
617 results found

A row of smartly dressed people stand on the terrace of the UK's parliament building

Top tips for lobbying your MP

With the general election rapidly approaching, Greenpeace UK's Political Lobbying Network volunteers are looking forward to working with the new intake of MPs. For International Volunteering Day, member Fi Radford shares her top tips for lobbying your newly-elected representative in parliament.

Tesco urged to cut links with forest destroyers as the Amazon burns

Today, Greenpeace UK launches a campaign against Tesco, calling on the UK’s largest supermarket to stop buying meat and dairy from companies involved in destroying the Amazon and to halve the amount of meat it sells by 2025 to protect people, wildlife and the climate. Tesco…

Spiral Tube Worm

A glimmer of hope for our oceans

While the UK Government's contributions to the UN Climate Action Summit were underwhelming at best, there was one glimmer of hope hidden amongst their lack of ambition on climate – they stepped up to protect the oceans.

Media briefing: Cambo oil field

Just weeks away from the UK hosting global climate talks, COP26, in Glasgow, the Cambo oil field has become a symbol of the government’s failure on climate. Where it has the opportunity to show climate leadership, it’s shown reluctance and fear of change. The government has been loyal to the…

Thousands of chickens crowded together in an industrial shed

Is eating chicken really better for the environment than eating beef?

Eating chicken is thought to have less of an impact on the planet than eating beef. But the truth is chicken can also wreak havoc on the climate. Producing soya to feed the billions of chickens eaten every year around the world has led to forest clearance on an epic scale, accelerating climate change and pushing wildlife into extinction.

Pupils at Georgeham Primary in Devon play football in front of the school's new solar panels

How wealth taxes could fund a fairer, greener Britain

An unfair tax system is worsening inequality, contributing to the cost of living crisis and slowing climate action. Wealth taxes could raise funds to make people’s lives better – and help the UK transition away from fossil fuels.

Follow tankers carrying Russian oil and gas, live on Twitter

In response to the invasion of Ukraine, many countries have taken steps to block shipments of Russian oil and gas. Now an amazing new Twitter tool allows anyone to see where tankers carrying Russian fuels are going – and where we need to cut our ties to fossil fuels.