Thank you for helping Greenpeace fight Shell

Since Shell announced they were suing Greenpeace for a peaceful climate protest, tens of thousands of you have supported us. Knowing we have you with us gives us strength and inspiration to keep fighting. Thank you.


Shell is suing Greenpeace for millions of dollars because of a peaceful climate protest we carried out in 2023.

Activists peacefully occupied a moving oil platform to protest Shell’s climate wrecking activities. It’s ironic that they’re suing us when they’re the ones destroying the planet. We should all be claiming damages from them!

This is one of the biggest legal threats that Greenpeace has ever faced. But we won’t let them silence us.

Thank you to over 23,000 supporters who have donated so generously to our urgent Stop Shell Appeal.

And to the millions of you who have watched and shared our campaign videos.

Because of your incredible support we have now raised almost £1 million.

This is vital for helping our small legal team prepare to stand up to Shell’s army of lawyers.

You continue to inspire and strengthen us to keep standing up against companies like Shell.

With your help, we can hold them accountable, and demand that they stop drilling and start paying for their climate destruction.

There is strength in numbers and we couldn’t do any of this without you.

Thank you.

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