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Illustration shows various people reaching out and touching floating squares with images representing various crisis Blog

What would it take to future-proof our planet?

Ever feel like the world just staggers from crisis to crisis, without ever fixing the problems at the heart of it all? A new series from Greenpeace Unearthed and HuffPost explores how we can break the cycle, and build a more resilient world.


What if we funded transport like it really matters?

Everyone benefits from better transport, and putting some extra funding into the system could make a real difference. Here’s how things would change if we invested £10 billion more every year into fair, sustainable and affordable transport.

Mya-Rose Craig standing on an ice floe holding a sign reading 'Youth strike for climate' Blog

The most northerly youth climate strike ever!

What happens here in the Arctic affects the whole world - and often the people who have contributed least to climate change are the ones who are hurt by it the most. We have to act now.