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'Stop Deep Sea Mining' is projected on the White Cliffs of Dover at night, with creatures from the deep sea displayed around the words. Blog

How people power is stopping deep sea mining before it starts

Thanks to campaigners, activists and supporters like you worldwide, the deep sea mining industry didn’t get the green light it was expecting at talks in July. Now we need to make sure these destructive companies never get the chance to plunder our fragile ocean floor.

Black and white photo of three Black women standing on a stage in matching dresses, singing into microphones. Blog

Don’t Stop the music – the sounds of social justice movements

The remake of Fleetwood Mac's classic song Don’t Stop is a call to keep fighting against the polluting companies causing climate change. Why? Because music has fuelled movements for decades. Here are the soundtracks to the world’s biggest fights for justice.

Colourful 3-panel illustration with factories on the left. The central panel is a scene in a fashion factory, with arounud 10 women working on sewing machines, wearing colourful clothes and some wearing facemasks. The final panel on the right is a piles of colourful clothing in landfill piles, with a yellow tractor pouring more clothes on to the piles. Blog

How fast fashion fuels climate change, plastic pollution and violence

The 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse sparked a call for change in the global fashion industry. But 10 years on, more than 100 billion clothes a year are made – mostly from oil turned into polyester – by people working in dangerous conditions. This is fast fashion's impact on people and the planet.