Victory! Sweden (mostly) free from Baltic cod

Posted by jossc — 9 March 2007 at 4:15pm - Comments

a cod's eye view?

More good news for our oceans campaign. After successfully targeting UK supermarket chains like ASDA and Morrison's over their failure to ensure that the fish they sell comes from sustainable sources, we passed on the tip to other Greenpeace national offices to see if they could get similar results. Now we've had word from Sweden that, after a year's lobbying and pressure, supermarkets across the country will no longer stock frozen cod sourced from the Baltic Sea. This is a crucial development as baltic cod stocks have collaped in recent years, and much of the catch is illegally fished.


About Joss

Bass player and backing vox in the four piece beat combo that is the UK Greenpeace Web Experience. In my 6 years here I've worked on almost every campaign and been fascinated by them all to varying degrees. Just now I'm working on Peace and Oceans - which means getting rid of our Trident nuclear weapons system and creating large marine reserves so that marine life can get some protection from overfishing.

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