A new warrior sails into town

Posted by jamie — 8 November 2011 at 1:11pm - Comments

It might be grey and drizzly out there but a splash of colour has just been added to one small corner of London, because the distinctive green hull of the Rainbow Warrior III arrived in London this morning.

Her visit to the UK is part of her maiden tour, having been launched just over three weeks ago. She left Amsterdam on Sunday, making her way across a choppy North Sea and sailed up the Thames early this morning. You can see the office blocks surrounding her berth at West India Quay on the ship's webcam – it's just like being on board!

The very fact that we've been able to launch this purpose-built flagship is thanks to 100,000 people around the world who generously donated towards her construction. Each nut and bolt has been paid for by you, our supporters, so feel proud of yourselves. And now she's come full circle, being moored not far from where the original Rainbow Warrior was launched back in 1978.

There'll be more from the new Rainbow Warrior over the next few days, but in the meantime you can follow life on board on Twitter - @gp_warrior - and on Facebook.

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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