5 reasons to ditch Dove products this summer

140,000 people signed a letter to Dove demanding they stop causing ‘Real Harm’ to women with their single-use plastic sachets. But the skincare brand isn’t listening. It’s time to ditch Dove’s products until they clean up their mess.


Ahhh, summer is on its way. Time to peel back the layers and let the sun hit your skin for the first time in months. You might be about to reach for the body cream or ultra-moisturising body wash, to banish dry winter skin. You might even use some gloop made by world-famous skincare brand Dove.

But Dove’s toxic single-use plastics are causing real harm to women and children all over the world. And despite over 140,000 people demanding they stop, Dove has scaled back their environmental ambition.

So Greenpeace is taking the fight against Dove’s disgusting waste to the next level. Here are five reasons to ditch Dove’s products this summer.

1) For 20 years, Dove’s been using women’s empowerment to sell super-polluting plastic

Dove is celebrating the 20th anniversary of their Real Beauty campaign – but it’s actually 20 years of Real Harm to nature and women.

For many years, Dove was leading the way in inclusive advertising of women’s skincare products. All of a sudden, a couple of decades ago, models were all shapes and sizes, and all skintones were gloriously celebrated. Dove led the way.

Back when it started, Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” felt pretty hopeful. Finally, a brand was showing diversity and body positivity in advertising – changes that many women wanted to see.

But 20 years on, it’s clear it’s just a PR trick – a ruse to get customers to feel like Dove cares about women everywhere. The truth is, Dove’s products are packaged in plastic that’s causing real harm to nature, women’s and children’s health.

2) Dove’s toxic single-use plastics are fuelling a human and environmental crisis

It’s common in the UK, Europe and US to see Dove products in plastic bottles. But in many less affluent parts of the world, their products come in single-use plastic sachet packaging.

Corporations have exploited the need for low income customers to buy small amounts of product at a more affordable price. But before the sachets were introduced, people collected these small amounts in reusable containers that they brought to the shops.

Single-use plastic sachets are highly polluting, unrecyclable, and pumped out in their billions every year. (Executives from Unilever, Dove’s own parent company called these sachets “evil” because they cannot be recycled).

“Companies like Dove don’t care about us. They make plastic shampoo sachets that trash my community. My grandchild got sick because our home is surrounded by plastic waste.”
Marilou Manangat, the Philippines Pledge to Ditch Dove
Plastic Waste Investigation in the Philippines

3) Dove plastic pollution is devastating for women’s health – but Dove just doesn’t care

It’s not just landfills piling up and rivers being blocked by unrecyclable plastic sachets, supplied to communities with no way to deal with the waste.

Plastic is made from oil and chemicals, and when it breaks down or is burned, it becomes truly toxic. The full truth about what plastic toxicity does to human bodies is still being uncovered – but people are already getting sick.

Scientists are really worried about the health impacts of plastic toxicity. It has potentially serious health impacts on women and children.

Microparticles of plastic easily find their way into women’s bodies: plastic has been found in blood, placentas used by growing babiesand even in breastmilk.

Negative health impacts of sachet pollution


Chemicals and additives in plastics can harm human health, potentially affecting fertility, hormones, and the brain.

Air quality

A lack of ways to dispose of it safely means sachet waste is often burned, releasing harmful pollutants into the air, which can cause breathing problems and air pollution-related diseases.


Sachet waste can clog drains and waterways, increasing the risks of flooding and waterborne diseases.


The research above is cited in Greenpeace's 'Uncovered' report about Unilever's plastic pollution, which you can read about here.

4) Ditching Dove will send a message during crucial Global Plastics Treaty talks

The UN Global Plastics Treaty is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect people and the planet from the plastic pollution crises.

World leaders have just finished the penultimate round of Treaty negotiations. But after hundreds of plastic-loving lobbyists descended on the treaty talks, governments failed (again) to commit to a proper ban on throwaway single-use plastics.

We know Dove and their owners Unilever are one of the key lobbyists at the talks. They hold huge power over decision makers and could make or break any future deal to solve the plastics crisis.

Right now, Dove and Unilever are refusing to ban toxic single-use plastics. They want to continue pumping out billions of impossible-to-recycle plastic sachets – risking the health of millions of people across the globe.

5) Dove know they’re causing harm, and 140,000 people have asked them to stop – but they’re still ignoring us

Consumers are vitally important to Dove. They want them to buy their products, watch their marketing and to think and talk about Dove in a positive light.

So people who usually buy Dove’s products have the most power to stop their plastic apocalypse.

Greenpeace has been campaigning for Dove and Dove’s owner Unilever to reduce plastic for many years.  Greenpeace launched our latest campaign against Dove – and since then, a massive 140,000 people have signed up to our open letter calling on Dove to take action.

But they’re not listening. This is the summer leading up to the 20th anniversary of Dove’s flagship Real Beauty advertising campaign in September. They’re celebrating 20 years of toxic trickery – but we know the truth.

We’re going to get hundreds of thousands of people to pledge to ditch all Dove products this summer.

Pledge to Ditch Dove

Ready to help? Pledge to Ditch Dove's products this summer.

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